Ryu Ga Gotoku, the studio behind the acclaimed Yakuza franchise, is working on a new IP outside of Yakuza and Judgment.
In an interview with Famitsu (translated by Ryokutya), studio director Masayoshi Yokoyama says, “If we have an environment where we can make new works, not just Judgment, we will take on the challenge positively.” He also went on to say that there are unreleased titles other than both of the studio’s flagship franchises in progress.
Yakuza 8, the sequel to last year’s Yakuza: Like a Dragon, is currently in development. Yokoyama notes that the story will take place a few years after the previous game. Additionally, he hints that Ichiban Kasuga could potentially be one of several protagonists in Yakuza 8. “It will be Kasuga’s number one story at the time of release,” he explained. Famitsu then asked, “Is the main character Kasuga number one?” Yokoyama answers, “Hmm, well yes. Yes, that’s right.”
Yokoyama mentions, “[Ryu Ga Gotoku] will also take care of the Judgment series”, although it’s unclear what that means. In July, it was reported that Lost Judgment could very well be the last game in the franchise due to likeness rights of the main character’s face which belongs to actor Takuya Kimura.
Last month, Ryu Ga Gotoku went through leadership changes as Toshiro Nagoshi and Daisuke Sato exited the studio. It was then that Yokoyama was handed the reins to lead the studio and Yakuza franchise into a new age.